
πŸ† GitHub Achievement Badges πŸ†

Discover the complete collection of GitHub Profile Badges and Achievements to showcase your contributions and milestones in style! Elevate your profile by displaying your accomplishments, engaging the community, and celebrating your GitHub journey!

Achievement List

Explore the GitHub Achievement List, featuring categories like Achievements Being Tested, Obtainable Achievements, How to Earn Badges, and Un-Obtainable Achievements. Showcase your milestones and learn how to earn them all!

Achievements Being Tested

Get a sneak peek at upcoming GitHub achievements and badges. These achievements are still in testing and will be obtainable soon. Be among the first to unlock and showcase these exclusive milestones as you continue to contribute and innovate on the platform.

Name Badge Image Earnable? Difficulty How to Earn??
Heart On Your Sleeve βŒ›Trial Very Easy User obtain this badge by reacting to something on GitHub with a Heart Icon emoji
Open Sourcerer βŒ›Trial Medium Can be obtained if a user had Pull Requests merged in more than 1 public repository

Obtainable Achievements

The achievements listed below are ones that you can obtain:

Name Badge Image Earnable? Difficulty How to Earn??
Quickdraw βœ… Yes Very Easy Obtainable by closing a Pull Request or Issue in 5 mins of it being opened.
(You can close your own issues)
Public Sponsor βœ… Yes Very Easy This badge can be earned by sponsoring a repository/organization/user.
YOLO βœ… Yes Easy A user can obtain this badge by merging a pull request without a review
(This requires 1 user and 1 reviewer via Collaborating)
Pull Shark βœ… Yes Medium You can get this badge by merging 2 pull requests.
Pair Extraordinaire βœ… Yes Medium The user can obtain this badge by Coauthoring in a merged pull request.
(Must: Requires GitHub Desktop App)
Galaxy Brain βœ… Yes Medium A user can get this badge by getting 2 of their answers accepted on the Community Discussions forum.
Starstruck βœ… Yes Hard This badge is given to someone when one of their repository’s gets 16 stars.

How to Earn Badges

Un-Obtainable Achievements are badges that were once available but can no longer

Name Badge Image Earnable? Difficulty How to Earn??
Arctic Code Vault Contributor ❌ No Very Easy Contributed code to a repository in the 2020 GitHub Archive Program.
(Now unable to earn)
Mars 2020 Contributor ❌ No Easy Contributed code to repositories used in the Mars 2020 Helicopter Mission.
(Now unable to earn)

Badge Tiers

GitHub achievements come in various badge tiers, indicating the level of difficulty or rarity of each badge. Every tier has either an x2, x3, or x4 label with it that also includes color. Here is the information about each one below:

Tier Label Sample Hex Visual Description
πŸ₯‰ Bronze x2 x2 #F9BFA7 #F9BFA7 Entry-level achievements
πŸ₯ˆ Silver x3 x3 #E1E4E4 #E1E4E4 Intermediate achievements
πŸ₯‡ Gold x4 x4 #FAE57E #FAE57E Advanced achievements


Start earning your GitHub badges today and show the community what you’re capable of! Get involved, contribute, and celebrate your journey with these exciting achievements. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, there’s always a badge waiting for you!

Additional Information - These badges and achievements are part of an evolving system, with new badges being tested and introduced regularly. Keep contributing to stay ahead of the curve! - You can view your own badges by visiting your GitHub profile and looking under the "Achievements" section.